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Legal Research Skills


Legal Research Skills

Legal Research Skills

Task 1: Questions on a Statute - The Equality Act 2010

State the date on which section 186(2) of the Act came into force.

The section 186 (2) of Equality Act 2010 came into force on 1st October, 2010. The commencement of this provision was on the same day when the Act was passed. The section 186(2) was about rail vehicle accessibility: compliance (Council, 2012).

The Act refers to the reasons why this legislation was considered to be necessary? Using your own words, explain any two of these reasons.

The status of current legislation for The Equality Act 2010 includes text of originally enacted statute of The Act and revised text of amended statute of The Act. The Act assembles one hundred and sixteen different pieces of legislation in the form of one single Act. The Act is a product of simplifies laws existed for the current legislation of anti-discrimination, and it replaces following Acts previously:

Equal Pay Act 2010

Sex Discrimination Act 1975

Employment Equality Regulations 2009 (Sexual Orientation)

Disability Discrimination Act 1995

Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006

Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003

Exercise of Power

The statutory instrument has involvement of Order in Council under the section 82 that describes offshore work for termination in resolution of either House of Parliament. The regulations or orders include various provisions for different objectives. Transitory, incidental, consequential, supplementary, and transitional provisions are included in this legislation. The provisions or discretion of power are not affected under the section of 174(4), 182(3) and 163(4).

The Welsh Ministers

The regulations of this legislation enact amendments for public sector and public authorities for equality duty. It also includes presiding powers for the imposition, modification, or removal of particular duties. The regulations also include eradication of socio-economic inequalities under section 2. Affirmative procedure here includes those statutory instruments that are transformed into the law through the approval of the House of Lords and the House of Lords. Any objection from either of the two Houses results in negative procedure of the statutory procedure in the attainment of ruling from the National Assembly for Wales.

State the name of the legislation enacted in 1975 which has been repealed by the Act.

Repeal means removal or replacement of law from the previous law. Sex Discrimination Act 1975 repealed or replaced The Equality Act 2010.

Name any one of the Government Departments or Offices which were responsible for preparing the Act.

The equality legislation and strategy across government are the responsibility of the Government Equalities Office. It was formulated in October 2007 and is a subsidiary of Department of Culture, Media, and Sports (DCMS) under Her Majesty Government. This department was responsible for the preparation, amendment, and abrogation of legislation of The Equality Act 2010 (Council, 2012).

The Act gives powers to Scottish Ministers to make Regulations. Give any one example of these regulatory powers.

The Scottish Minister is accountable for making modifications or adjustments in common parts in the ...