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Dick lardy on claims he may makes in tort


Dick lardy can claim battery against Des. He pushes him back to the stage. For proving battery touch is necessary, which is direct, lawful and determined. Facts clearly identified that the touch had happened. There can be some question arises about the intention which may turn into another situation. As verified in talent competition called 'Kent's Got Talent'. Battery may not be considered if two or more person gathers up the place which is narrow passage and the touches the other was not design to harm or make any violence. Although if the space was not enough to passing through Dick without touching. It could be the case of battery whereas Des did a touch to Dick and pushes him in a wide place. Also the act of action does not reflect that the demonstration was antagonism, there are such facts on behalf of that plaintiff should appeal against the Des. In this context Des's mental state significantly in the bad condition but also shows that he was “storming out” and “exhausted” and likely to behave in aggression. Whereas the action of pushing Dick towards the stage forcefully. Moreover Des pushing the back of Dick's wing which requires sufficient force that can be done intentionally. In a way if this prove and accepted then the battery claim will protect the Dick. Since he left the stage and Des intentionally and forcefully brought him back which is unlawful and affect the condition of Dick. Therefore it can be considered the action was immediate result of defendant's act and the direct touch. The act was unlawful and obviously with the consent. With all the facts the appeal may proceed with the success in the court since the harm in the form when he get back to the stage the voice got choked and Dick was unable to performed, additionally the chanting sounds from crowd which brought more complicated situation for Dick and resulting in the form of nervous breakdown which is significantly harmful for the Dick and in the result of the sue may be the worth of some compensation.

Emotional harm intentionally inflicted

Emotional harm

When Dick was nervous after the squeaks initially, he was embarrassed and runs off the stage. Then the TV host persuaded him to return back on the stage and perform accordingly on the returning way the embarrassment increased when two of stands were making his joke and most hurting moment was recorded in the cameras. The whole scenario was broadcasted to the viewers of nation. Since the incident was experienced and putting him to more nervous feelings not at the moment but after the broadcast. As it was recognize that Dick is not in the condition to perform again but the TV host enforces him and urges him to try once again. Since there was no claim has been announced by TV if any incident happens with the participant it would be their own ...
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