Legal Obligations

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Legal Obligations

Legal Obligations


Sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual advance or conduct on the job that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive. Any behavior of a sexual nature that makes an employee scratchy has the prospective to be sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual advance or conduct on the job that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. In the workplace, the employer-employee association is often endangered when a sex-related trouble. In some cases, the harasser may be more to the victim, other times; the owner can be responsible for harassment by a non-employee, depending on the conditions.

Sexual harassment lawsuits are expensive and embarrassing for organizations. They are also increasingly encouraged by the victims of sexual harassment as a means of obtaining redress for abusive behavior and discrimination in the workplace. Just as the Civil Rights Act gained legal protection for African Americans to other minorities, so that sexual harassment law has its origin to protect women, was expanded to protect all workers regardless of sex victim and the harasser. (Shalit 2002, 12)Legal obligation Section 7 (2)

Any person who is an employee is entitled to freedom from harassment in the workplace based on sex by her employer or agent of the employer or another employee. Section 7 (3)

Everyone has the right to be free,

sexual solicitation or advance made by a person incapable of giving, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the person that the person making the solicitation or advance knows or reasonably should know that it is unpleasant, or

a threat of reprisal or retaliation for refusing a sexual request . (Diane 2003)

Section 5 (2)

Harassment in employment, that each person is an employee is entitled to freedom from harassment in the workplace by an employer or agent of the employer or by another employee because of race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnicity , nationality, creed, age, record of offenses, marital status, family status or disability. (Morris 2005, 12)Section 10 (1)

"Harassment" means to participate in a course of vexatious conduct or comment that is known or should reasonably be known to be undesirable. (Jones 2006)

Employers do to prevent sexual harassment

Keep abreast of conditions in the workplace and getting feedback from employees will help in creating effective policies. That means ensuring that pornographic images are not allowed, sexually explicit comments and jokes were told and no guidelines on what ...
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