Legal Issues In Sports - Gender Discrimination

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Legal Issues In Sports - Gender Discrimination

Legal Issues In Sports - Gender Discrimination


Gender discrimination in today's modern era

In today's fast pace of competition, the women are also playing their important roles along with men in every field. In today's modern era, the women are found in every field of studies and sports. They are availing various opportunities and are performing with great standards like that of the men. The outstanding performances of women has made great image in the world. Unfortunately the discrimination is also found among the genders. In ancient times women were not given opportunities to learn and grow. But in this modern era, when women are contributing their efforts, there is still a great fact of discrimination. In most of the era the women are not given such importance to grow. There are certain glass ceilings that try to keep the women behind the men. In business organizations we usually see that mostly the bosses and upper level of managers and authorities are men because the women are not considered as able personalities to lead the people and it is also widely considered that the women cannot take effective and efficient decisions.

Gender discrimination in sports

There are a number of legal issues that are found in the sports. Such issues commonly involve the contracts, torts and the discrimination issues. The gender discrimination is also greatly found in the area of sports. The women are given less opportunities to play in the sports. There are very few sport associations and agencies that spend an accurate amount for the promotion of women sports. There are less number of sport training areas and complex that are particularly developed for women. Less amount of budgets are allocated for the women sports. The women experience a rapid discrimination when they aim to access the sports and when they want to practice the games that they wish to play. Either women go for part time or professional sports, they have to face great discrimination and lack of support (Thomasson, L. ,2003, web source: Various laws have been made to discourage the gender discrimination in studies and sports, but unfortunately, the discrimination is still widely practiced in the sports field.

It has been found that the most common types of discriminating areas the women face is the lack of back up support, the lack of supporting authorities and structures and the lack of sportswomen trainers and guiders for interesting women and girls. The gender discrimination has created the lack of interest in the women as this directly affects the sports potential level in the women and girls. In the sports field it has also found that the women and girls face the difficulties in reconciling the matters if they occur in playing the games. Due to lack of the sport authorities' support and guidance, the women face a great amount of difficulties in managing the family life with that of their sports interest. The lack of general public's interest can also be acknowledged in our ...
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