Legal Issues

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Legal Issues

Legal Issues

Question - 1

Step - 1

When one looks at this case, it can be seen that there are many things that are needed to be looked at. The offer that was being made by Julia was substantially low of the price that was written originally on the product. So this is one thing that is needed to be considered, on the other hand, Steven also had accepted the offer within the given course of time so he must be legally entitled for the product. These are some of the things that are needed to be looked at.

Another thing that is needed to be looked at is that there are eventual tests that might be used to look into the acceptance level of people who are binding into the contract. There are instances where parties can resist a claim and if there is any breach and it has been proved that the terms in the contract are not binding in their nature. One party that is the part of any contract can upon the appearances that are objectified by another party. They must clearly show their intent when they want to be the part of the contract. Hence, most of the times, the actual meetings of the mind is not really needed. In fact most of the lawyers have disapproved this notion of meeting of the mind and they term is as something that is the by-product error (Corbin 1917). There is also this need for objective perspective in most of the cases and it becomes important when one party claims that it is not actually the part of the contract.

Step - 2

One thing that is extremely important and it must be noted here is that nature of the contract is needed to be looked at and it must be understood before making any judgment about the product. Contract as it has to be looked at is something that is really binding in its nature. As a consumer, there is a transaction that is taking place and it extremely important that all the things are done well in advance so that such arrangements can be made.

The contract cannot be valid if certain conditions are not being looked at. There must be an offer, there must be consideration of the offer and then there must be acceptance of the offer. If any of these conditions are not being fulfilled, the contract is not binding in its nature. Looking at this particular case, it can be seen that Julia has made the offer. There is certain time period for the offer as well and if the offer is accepted within the given time, then contract must be initiated.

There is no way it can be said that the offer has not been made. The offer is needed to be made by the end of the customer and it can be said that Steven has made the offer to Julia about purchasing the ...
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