Legal Issues

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Legal Issues

Legal Issues

Title: Edwards v. South Carolina, 372 U.S. 229 (1963)


The case has been signed by 180 petitioners who were all the black people. This was mainly the protest in which a walk has been organized consisting of the small groups of 15 people in each. The walk has been organized in a small area and it was a peaceful march which did not disturb other people. The thirty police officers have talked to the group to disperse and in other case the police will arrest them. The protestors did not disperse and started signing their religious songs. The police officers have arrested them and charged them for violating the peace of the area.


The main issue in this case was the protest which had been held by the black people. As per the police the protest was violating the peace of the area and the protestors claimed that their protest was very peaceful and it did not disturb any person.


The court has provided its decision in favor of the marchers and said that the police has violated the rights of protestors by arresting them.


There is no violation of the Fifth Amendment Rights in this protest.


The evidences have been shown in the court to prove that the actions of the marchers were not violent.


The decision of the court was very fair as it is allowed as per the Fifth Amendment rights.

Title: Adderley v. Florida, 385 U.S. 39 (1966)


This is the case of a protest made by Harriet Louise Adderley with the group of 200 people. The people have gathered to protest in a public jail driveway. The protest was against the arrest of the fellow students and the policies of state for the racial segregation. Adderley and their fellows have been asked to leave the driveway but they refused; therefore, they were arrested for not leaving the driveway.


The main issue is that Adderley has not left the driveway when he was requested to leave it.


The court has analyzed the situation and has come to a conclusion that there was not any involvement of constitutional violation in the protest. Therefore, it was concluded that it is not unlawful to protest against the discrimination as the protest was not violent.


The protest was fully complied with the language of Florida statute and there was no involvement of the breach of First Amendment.


It is not illegal to protest at the jail facility. It is actually a medium of communication for those people who do not have access to any other medium of communication.


This is a very fair decision taken by the court because it does not include any violation of First Amendment.

Title: U.S. v. Wise, 221 F.3d 140 (5th Cir. 2000)


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