Legal Issues

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Legal Issues

Q No 1

The evolution from the system of British jurisprudence and corrections to the system of jurisprudence and corrections found in the United States today.

There basically were two laws followed by ancient British system of jurisprudence. First, was the common law and second was the civil law. Common law jurisprudence was under the authority of the members of the British Empire, they had the authority to make new laws and make changes in the old laws (Lobban, 1991). Civil law jurisprudence which was introduced by the Romans is being followed by most of the European and Latin American states (Daniel. J, 2003). The common law and civil law both has a very different role in the shaping of the judiciary and the content of law.

The ancient constitution of the British jurisprudence was an English constitution, which stated that the non-English subjects and the Kings of England could completely enjoy their liberties and privileges while they are living inside England, but these liberties and privileges won't be available to them once they go outside the realm. This jurisprudence gave an intellectual shape to the colonial resistance before, and to the notions regarding the rule of law after the rise of American Revolution.

However, the introduction of the modern legislation had a huge impact on the jurisprudence of the common law as compared to the impact which it had on civil law. The constitution reduced the influence of jurists by enhancing the power of legislature. The corrections made by the American after the American revolutions ended were not beneficial for the people of America, it still followed the same principles and the rule of law couldn't readily find a place in the courses that dealt with the Anglo-American law, along with the changes taking place in the Atlantic world which became a reason was the rise of America revolution (American jurisprudence: Table of statutes, rules, and regulations cited, 1996).

Q No 2

Differences between Men's and Women's facilities

There is a huge difference between the facilities of men and women jails, first of all men and women function differently even the way they think is different from each other, and the inmates are no exception. Researchers have been conducted to find out the difference between the men and women who are being incarcerated. Men and women both respond to stress in a different manner, as males tend to externalize the stress produced inside the prison. Whereas, ...
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