Legal Issue Paper

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Legal Issue Paper

Legal Issue Paper


The paper is based on the legal issues happening in the case of Uriah who is an accountant for the City of Boca Grande. He has worked there for seven years and has a good work record. Two months ago, Uriah's supervisor learned from some of Uriah's employees that Uriah works weekends as an exotic dancer at a local night club. Last week, Uriah was fired for "engaging in activities that could discredit the City." He has sued to get his job back. The case is taking up in federal court and its further appeal is described in the discussion.


Legal Issues

The title VII endorsed in 1964 applies to the employers, employment agencies and labor organization. It forbids the entities of discrimination on the basis of color, religion, race, sex and other national origin. Title VII also forbids employers from discriminating in all areas of employment that include firing, hiring and working conditions. In this case, the legal issues fall into the favor of plaintiff's argument. Viewing the famous case of Faragher v. City Of Boca Raton (1998), the preceding legal issues fall under the common law principles. The employment cannot be terminated by wrong dismissal but indeed it can be terminated in the case of defamation until it is the written or spoken statement. The employer's wrongful dismissal compels the employee for accepting it as now he is no longer employee of the company (Gunton, 1980). This act is not the invention of judges and nor even follow contract law. The reality of employment has the right to work part time but depends on the obligation of the company. This law of termination is certainly used by many of the companies but in the case of Uriah, the City of Boca Grande has shown another interest instead of having problem from his doing part time job. The scenario reflects the company's reputation which is weighing down by employing a dancer. This case certainly does not go with the defamation law as plaintiff has not communicated any false statement which can defame the company's image.

Plaintiff's Arguments

The argument stated from Uriah that he had been working since long and paying his best services to the company, then how they could apart him by giving the reason that he discredited the image of the city. It should not be the company's concern until or unless he is not ...
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