Legal Homework Part B

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Legal Homework Part B

Legal Homework Part B

Unit1: Caruso v. Pine Manor Nursing Ctr.

This case clearly presents the misadministration of the nutritional program of the patient. The critically ill patient increases their metabolic requirements; the nutrition right turns everything an indispensable process therapeutic. In the Critical Care Unit patients have hypermetabolic and catabolic states intense, and a high degree of stress: surgical, thermal, traumatic or septic which requires the correct and timely provision of energy and life-saving nutrients. Most current dietary guidelines only express general concepts and therefore almost always meaningless, as they are designed by standardizations aspects regardless of the patient (Martindale, et al., 2009).

The food of nutritional support is a part of life unsurpassed, its duration and quality. To supply and maintain the metabolism , the function most biologically important of all you need the regular and systematic contribution of a set of chemicals known by the generic name of nutrients, preferably contained in different types of food that make up the diet of the individual (Slone, 2004).

It can be analyzed through the case presented that the supply and monitoring of nutritional status play a particularly important role in both the attention to the healthy individual, such as in the treatment of a patient. As the disease generally increases the patient's metabolic requirements (energy and nutrient needs) adequate food becomes an indispensable part of any therapeutic procedure implemented in a patient. As presented in the case, the facility failed to provide proper nutritional treatment to the patient, which led to the dehydration and worsening in the medical condition (Martindale, et al., 2009). This presented the negligence of the treatment facilities, the nurses and the physicians as they were unable to provide the adequate treatment and nutrition that was required for the patient. Thus, they were to be held responsible for the deteriorating condition of the patient. Appellate court was right on its helding the nursing facility responsible for the patient's condition.

Patients are often admitted to the Critical Care Units (multipurpose) with hypermetabolic and catabolic states intense, and a high degree of stress: surgical, thermal, traumatic or septic. Their basic conditions may be complicated by other diseases or dysfunction and multiple organ failure, which requires the use of various forms of support to sustain life. In these particular cases the correct and timely provision of energy and life-saving nutrients, and this should be included in your treatment (Slone, 2004).

The design of appropriate nutritional support tests the knowledge and actual medical ingenuity and professional team of health responsible for the care of these patients. Several factors have determined that despite its importance for the evolution of the patient and as predictor of their response to surgical medical intervention are proposed, the teaching of the Good Practices of Food and Nutrition has been relegated to current medical practice. In the training of the medical curriculum offered lectures on metabolism, nutrients and nutrition, but are of little utility practice to assess the nutritional status of a patient and define your die (Martindale, ...