Legal Homework

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Legal Homework Part A

Legal Homework Part A


There are three branches of the federal government they are legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative branch of the federal government consists of senate and House of Representatives. Their work is to modify the laws. They repeat existing legislation in the creation of new legislation. Both houses are involved in making new legislation. Executive level government people are the president or the governor. They have decision making power. President is the head of administration. Cabinet is responsible for a public affair laws. The role of the judicial branch is to solve problems that arise among citizens. They provide justice to the people. Their decisions are made under the administration of law. Separation of power is defined as a system of check and balancing. There is a relationship between separation of power and branches of government. The separation of power and health care law is associated with each other as in health care law they provide health welfare, income security, retirement, senior citizen benefits and so on so forth. It is associated with power of separation as these health care benefits need to be check that either the citizen is availing the facilities or not and to what extent they are availing the facility. Secondly they should provide balance between the health care facilities (Pozgar, 2012). There was a case related to HIV/Aids. By the people of government Aids, issues is focused on media industry. They established an agency for catering AIDs patients. Secondly it was considered to change the global health policy agenda, and it was come under attention due to administration of the country. In congress, the advocates started the battle against Aids included representative Nancy Pelosi and senators pressurize the administration to change the global policy. Overall democrats and republicans worked together to fight against Aids. This was become a national security issue afterwards. Overall all types of government combine together and fight against war of Aids. They acknowledged public opinion to global health policy making (Holtz, 2008).

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is one of the principal agencies of the United States government with a major function of protecting the health of all Americans and ensuring essential services are provided to them, especially those citizens who are least, or not at all, able to help themselves. DHHS spends nearly a quarter of all Federal expenditures and is responsible for grants more than all other Federal agencies combined. It is one of the most essential tasks of DHHS to conduct and support many programs aimed at providing assistance to people with health issues and disabilities. The department, among other important operations, also administers Medicaid and Medicare, largest public health insurance programs in terms of beneficiaries and expenditures. DHHS interacts with health care facilities in many ways. The department serves as a source of general guidelines and policies regarding health care issues and developments. Moreover, the department is also responsible of managing and funding the facilities' expenditures (Miller ...
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