Legal Environment Of Business

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Legal Environment of Business

Legal Environment of Business


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the case of Delightte. UK Ltd. The case study comes under the personal injury, health and safety and work and employment. The paper makes discussion on the court in which the dispute has been determined and the name of the judges who had heard the appeal. The paper also makes an analysis on the main facts of the case of Delightte. The paper also provides the recommendations as the barrister representing Delightte which is an international accountancy firm.


The case study is about the physical injuries and health and safety in work and employment. In this case study, Alex who is a qualified accountant at Delightte has slept on the floor because the floor was set. The cleaning supervisor namely Bob has recently washed the floor, but unfortunately he has forgotten to put the board of warning that the floor is slippery. Therefore, Alex has fallen on the floor and according to him his ankle has broken as a result of this fall. The duty first aider has assisted Charlie that he should walk on the ankle because it has not broken. When Alex has made an attempt to walk on the ankle his ankle got more damaged.

At the same time, one of the other cleaners named Emma has brought her child (Josh) in office who started wandering in the office. Afterwards he stapled his finger to one of the desks. As per the company's policy it is not allowed for the workers to bring children on the workplace. However, Bob was aware that Emma has brought her child still he did not say anything to Emma. Thus, the paper makes analyses on the liabilities of this case.

2) Identify in which Court the dispute was determined and who the respective judges were

Who heard the appeal?

The dispute has been settled at the Court of Appeal and the respected judges were Mr. Hafiz and Mr. John.

3) What were the facts of the case?

Following are the main facts of the case:

1) The court has submitted a case of Mr. Alex against the company that the company has not provided the necessary safety measures. He claimed that because of the irresponsible act of the cleaning supervisor Bob, Alex has got an accident and his knee has broken.

2) Mr. ...
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