Legal And Ethical

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Legal and Ethical

Legal and Ethics


Nursing practitioners are responsible for taking care of the patients who need medical care for the improvement of their health conditions. Avery important point to note is that there are various ethical and legal considerations involved in the profession of nursing. The core focus of this paper is to answer some important questions regarding the ethical and legal involvements in the profession of nursing.


What limits a nurse's practice?

A nurse practitioner performs a number of essential services for patients, and it is the responsibility of the nurses to provide complete care to their patients. There are also some limitations that restrict the practices of the nurses. The most significant limitations that identified by researchers are the restrictive payment policies that restrict the nurses from performing all their duties. It is obvious that the technological and professional advancements in the field of medical have raised the salary expectations of the nurses. It is very correct that the advanced nurses are capable of providing extensive and advanced care to the patients, but the restrictive payment policies are a significant issue that refrain the nurses from performing their duties and responsibilities to their full potential.

Do you believe patients have the right to informed consent and the care they choose to receive or refuse?

It is obviously a belief that it is a fundamental right of the patients towards informed consent and the healthcare that they select for themselves. It is also a fact that there are a number of laws given by the federal states to which patients, assigned to be received by the healthcare team. It is also the best of patients to obtain a copy of the medical records and keeping them private and confidential. The organizations responsible for providing healthcare to the patients often have a ...
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