Legal Age Of Drinking In America

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Legal Age of Drinking In America

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Laws related to minimum legal age of drinking has been acknowledge as one of the principal and best measures for preventing underage drinking behavior across the world. Various nations have different minimum sanctioned age for drinking on the basis of the interventions of governments of those nations. The minimum legal drinking age in United States of America, however, has been a debatable issue since always. This can be accounted to the fact that the minimum legal drinking age in America is high as compared to the other nations around the world. This paper is intended to discuss this debatable issue that whether it is justified to keep the minimum legal age of drinking at 21 or should the sanctioned age of drinking in America needs to be lowered down to 18 years of age. The paper uses a number of literature, articles and secondary sources including researches and studies in order to address the issue. The paper includes a number of negative consequences of allowing the consumption of alcohol and drinking in order to justify the legal age sanctioned by the law of America. The paper provides various assertions and claims to support the view that “minimum legal drinking age in America does not need to be lowered since there is no point in fixing something that is not broken.”

Legal Age of Drinking In America


There is a general view among Americans that American young individuals drink more often and repeatedly and come across more alcohol associated troubles as compared to their European complements. This opinion and view, consecutively, is time and again employed as argument for a number of alterations in alcohol policies of United States and prevention ideas, counting abolition of minimum drinking age legislations and establishment of agendas and plans that educate conscientious drinking to youth and younger individuals (Friese & Grube, pp.01).

Is lowering the minimum legal age of drinking in America a good idea?

The level and outcomes of alcohol use by young people in United States are subjects of increasing concern. Not merely do a good number young people consume alcohol, but time and again they drink heavily, placing themselves and other people around them at jeopardy. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and other federal agencies persist to carry out and facilitate studies on finding the best way to deal with the issue of underage drinking. Additionally, adults in populations throughout the country are struggling with discovering the approach or means to transform the culture about underage drinking. Even though a number of people have recommended that lowering the legal age of drinking would show the way to more conscientious intake and consumption of alcohol amongst young individuals, the prevalence of studies and researches point towards the reality that legal drinking age of 21 has had constructive outcomes on health and safety of the individuals (NIAAA, pp.01).

According to the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, the minimum legal age for consumption and purchase of alcohol ...