Leeper Lingerie Company

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Leeper Lingerie Company


Answer 1

Keith Hopson, as the chairperson of the company, his job is to make sure that every procedure by the management is accurate and fair to the employees of all positions. He insisted that the job should be evaluated, not the person, and he was perfectly justified in saying this. The procedure of job evaluation involves determining that position's value in the company (Corneo & Jeanne, 2008). They pay, or salary should be in accordance to the importance of the designation for the company. This is different from the assessment and evaluations of the employee performances. Setting up salaries and remunerations should be in regards to the rate of job, not in accordance to the person who is doing the job. Therefore, Keith was justified in saying that the job should be evaluated not the person as the meeting which was being conducted was to “develop internal standards of comparison and measure relative job values within the organization.”

The purpose of the meeting was not to evaluate the performance of the employees or determine the effectiveness or abilities of the workforce. The performance evaluation task is to be done by the supervisor of that employee. If the management increases the pay of the employee by evaluating the person instead of the job, it will create a negative impact on the organization and the employees (Corneo & Jeanne, 2008). Keith made the right decision as it has the fair and justified thing to do.

 Answer 2

The salary or pay is set according to the value and job description of the designation. It is not supposed to be set according to the person's performances. When an employee is recruited in the company, the designation's pay he is being recruited is already set according to the ...