Learning Outside Classroom

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Learning Outside Classroom

Learning Outside Classroom


For organized schooling, inside classroom is a tested and tried method. However, learners and teachers have consistently encouraged and supported the phenomenon of additional learning opportunities offered through variety of activities carried for learning outside the classroom. These outside learning approaches include field studies, day and residential visits, extracurricular activities, drama and music production and investigating different problems in local area (Malone, 2008). However, for the organization of such activities colleges, schools and other educational institutions often obtain the services of different providers, and sometime may hire commercially operated outdoor sports and education centres. Moreover, services from different art galleries, concert halls, museums and education department and theatres are also obtain for such outdoor learning purposes. However, educational institutions have now started to give more focus on outdoor learning activities supported by governmental policies and publications of training and manifesto of learning outside the classroom. This paper in relation to learning outside the classroom will critically analyse how Learning outside the classroom can support children's knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum.

Discussion and Analysis

In accordance with Paredes, Ogata, Saito, Yin, Yno, Oishi & U (2005), there are number of advantages of learning outside the classroom and most common among them are:

Increase motivation for school attendance: Grugeon (2005) in relation to the advantages of learning outside the classroom believed that educational institutions that manage to provide learning outside the classroom can increase motivation among children by increasing their interest in curriculum, which eventually increases the attendance at schools.

Decrease behavioural problems: While designing a curriculum which put greater emphasis on learning outside the classroom, educationists are actually designing a complete new set of processes for managing students' behaviour. This in a holistic perspective can be interpreted as improving the behaviour of students. Moreover, students will remain engaged, motivated and happy (Paredes, Ogata, Saito, Yin, Yno, Oishi & U, 2005).

Development of interest in the wider surroundings and environment: The opportunities provided to the students for learning outside the classroom, will also help in making students understands the real life application of subjects they are being taught inside the classroom (Hayes, 2009). This gives students the opportunity to learn about their surroundings and local environment. Therefore, May and Richardson (2005) believes that learning outside the classroom helps in creating citizens who are responsible and sensitive towards their locality. This learning however cannot be transmitted inside a classroom.

Expose students to new opportunities: Learning outside the classroom in no manner focus on wandering in the school surroundings, however, Cashdean & Overall (2002) consider it a good place to start from. There is no restrictions on the teacher regarding taking their students to visit outside for learning purposes, however, it is recommended by Hayes (2009) that location shall be selected in a manner that it helps in development of better understanding among students regarding the nature of subject and its application in real life.

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