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Learning Log


I am doing my Masters in education and currently employed as an Assistant Trainee Manager in Everays. The skills and abilities that I will be brining in my internship program are verbal, numerical skills which influence my performance and potential of graduation in a sportive way. I have a thorough understanding of my strengths and weakness and I prefer to use my strengths in the best possible way to yield remarkable results.

My skills and abilities at Everays include my communication development with my subordinates and colleagues. I have a habit of setting approach and directions through proper planning, organizing and controlling. I like to portray diligence and efficiency through my work. Other skills and abilities include my confidence, use of information technology, modern communication, managing information, meeting deadlines and achieving targets.

My internship job involves jobs and activities related to the construction where particularly my activities are to place the orders, negotiate with the clients and suppliers to get the best price for Everays, making quotations and plain the training and development activities for the company.

Yes, I am on a management training scheme. Everays does have an appraisal system for their human resource. It is a good and effective appraisal system. According to the literature, an effective appraisal system within the organization system is inclusive of regular feedback, 360 degree feedback, strengths and improvement areas support and plan, best fit and compensation.

Regular feedback includes regular updating to the employees related to what are the company's expectations from them, what are the good activities performed by the employees and which areas require improvement. The aim of the regular feedback is to have a continuous all-round development of employees.

360-degree feedback is used to bring the best in the employees. It is important for the employee to understand and support one another. The 360-degree feedback is not just a regular feedback but it The feedback is collected from the employee's supervisors, subordinates, team and other members of the organization which have a direct effect on the employee's work. Strengths and improvement helps the employee and the company knows which skills of the employee led to a good performance and which weaknesses had an effect on the performance. The strengths of the employee and its maximum use can be optimized. The weaknesses of the employee must be highlighted and suggested training (nwlink.com).

Support and plan is inclusive of the appraisal system where the strengths are communicated to the employee which will help the employee to give a better performance. Improvement plans can be building to help the employees perform at their best. Best fit and compensation includes matching the performance of the employee against the measurable system so that the employee may be provided with promotions, bonuses and compensations.

Same as per the literature, the appraisal system of Everays is also the same. The 360-degree feedback results are not disclosed to the employees; they are kept with the higher authority and top managers. I do agree with the ...
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