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Learning Journal

Learning Journal


The aim of this paper is to highlight the best place I have had the opportunity to work in, along with the worst place the basis for concluding whether a workplace is best or worst a variety of course material learned throughout the module will be applied. To begin with we will define one of the core principles which will be repeatedly discussed throughout this paper “employer of choice” which will help us frame our point of view on what makes a workplace the best.


Employer of Choice

Even though this term is being used considerably these days there are a number of ways in which an employer of choice can be defined, According to the Herman Group (2012) an employer of choice can be defined as an employer from any sized organization who establishes high standards and provides effective leadership, workplace culture which attracts the best employees and he ensures that the employees are retained in order to achieve organizational goals.

This is how I define employer of choice; an employer of choice is an exceptional employer and organization which is a place people look forward on working and they are a part of the organization because they want to be there instead of they have to be there and once hired the employees never want to leave because the leadership and workplace environment is an ideal one where the employees get to learn and perform according to their own manner and every employees performance is recognized. The Employer of choice inspires people to work better and gives them the liberty of choosing how they wish on working which bring the best out of people and every employee takes pride in their work. This is the foundation on which we will base our implications on which workplace was the best.

The best workplace

According to Miller and Katz (1999) the marketplace is increasingly becoming competitive and effective employers have started understanding that in order to gain a competitive advantage over others it is important to bring the best out of people by ensuring that the employees are satisfied and their maximum potential is being utilized, many organizations fail to understand the importance of retaining their best employees and in such organizations the employers consider themselves superior than the others and they believe that they can boss around people. Such organizations can be considered the worst ones to work in.

The best work experience that I have was while I was interning at DHL. In order to be able to conclude whether an organization is actually a worthy employer we will apply the 14 principles which have been specified by Miller and Katz (1999).

The overall experience of working at DHL was simply because of the organization's culture and environment; people were treated with respect and integrity. A good organization is one which is conducive to learning during my brief tenure at DHL I was given various different job responsibilities until they were able to identify my maximum potential. There is immense growth at DHL since ...
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