Learning From Experience

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Learning from Experience

Learning from Experience


This paper will present a discussion the fact that people learn from their own experiences. This is true that nobody is perfect and nobody learns anything in their mother's womb. People learn in this world after experiencing things. Hence, there is a famous saying by John Dewey on this; which is,

“…to learn from life itself and to make the conditions of life such that all will learn in the process of living.”

In this paper, I will discuss my own experiences of failure from which I learnt to work harder and then achieved ultimate success.


There is not a single person who can do everything perfectly on trying it the very first time, not in games, not in sports, not in schools, and not even at the workplaces. Everyone has to learn in order to be expert of any task or activity. When a person try a new activity, he or she is likely to make a lot of mistakes or errors. This is known as the phase of experimentation and the learning is known as experiential learning.

If we look in the existing literature on the experiences of the people, we will realize that how important their failure and mistakes have been to their overall success. Many successful people of the world in various fields experienced failure in the first attempt. All of them faced rejection, failure and disappointment to some extent in their lives. However, the main thing was that they never lost hope and faith in God. They continued to try until they got success (Moon, 2004).

There are a number of examples of different actors, singers and professionals who have a bad history of rejection and failure in their lives. On the other hand, this rejection and failures are the significant factors which led them to the place where they are now. That rejection and failure enhanced their skills and capabilities to the extent that they become the achievers of their fields. Hence, the main thing is that one should never lose hope and must never give up in life (Clark, 2010). There is another important saying which would suit to the situation of the topic, which is “no pain, no gain”. Therefore, in order to achieve something in life, one has to go through a lot of difficulties and complexities (Merriam, 2007).

Even if things do not go well, even if everything ...
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