Learning Domain Of Leadership And Evidence Based Practice

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My Accomplishments in the Learning Domain of Leadership and Evidence Based Practice

My Accomplishments in the Learning Domain of Leadership and Evidence Based Practice

John F. Kennedy once said that leadership and learning are vital to each other. Learning enables the leaders to lead whether in any profession or in any line of work. Power is not handed over to people; instead the authority that the leader has attained has come informally from others in the group. Leaders emphasize on the empowerment of others through motivation, inspiration and stimulation. Having privileged with excellent communication and interpersonal skill, integrity is the essential quality of a leader. Napoleon stated that a leader is the one who deal with hope and this is what I believe a teacher do. He is a dealer of hope. Teachers/ Educators are anticipated to incorporate teaching into all aspects of their practice in a professional practice environment. I have been auspicious to have earned roles as teacher, developer, educator, mentor, leader and supporter in my career. According to NMC that is Nursing and Midwifery Council guidelines, the lecturer has responsibility in higher education institutions for the leadership/ directorship of classroom teaching. He has also the responsibility for the identification of suitable and proper learning resources. The role is analogous to that of the practice educator in the practice background and both roles have equivalent status. The aspiration of this assignment is to appraise my performance in the course of critical reflection that how I achieved accomplishments in the domain of leadership and evidence based practice in an effective and efficient manner.

The term teacher is used in the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) for the representation of a registered nurse who assists learning and directs and appraises students in the practice place. Eight mandatory standards have been identified by NMC that should be attained by a lecturer include establishing effective working relationships, facilitation of learning, assessment and accountability, evaluation of learning, creating an environment for learning, context of practice, evidence-based practice and leadership.

According to Darling, there are some other additional characteristics and roles of a leader; he/ she should be a role model, envisioner, an energizer, supporter, eye opener, door opener, and teacher-coach, challenger, career counselor and feed back giver.

A leader is always under inspection and he always has to maintain high standards and professionalism. Peers must respect him and students consult him or seek information from him. Being a role model means that a person has strong abilities to exert his influence. A leader must be an energizer i.e. he motivates and inspires people. He must be an enthusiastic person seeking opportunity to teach in every situation. A leader is also an envisioner as he is always enthusiast to welcome change and advance care to persuade the students to vision ahead of present and look for enhancement in care. He should be an investor in a sense that is he provides his time, experience and knowledge freely and hands over responsibility to ...
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