Learning Disabilities Among High School Students: An Analysis Of Standard Test Scores submitted

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Learning Disabilities among High School Students: An Analysis of Standard Test Scores

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The purpose of this research is to evaluate the passing and failing rates of students with disabilities. Compare students with disabilities enrolled in inclusive classes with students who are not enrolled in inclusive classes and compare the passing and failing rate on standardized tests against non-standardized tests. Identify what programs are available at people's school. What programs have not failed and which programs have failed and why? Discuss two mandatory standardized tests and explain the importance of each. The tests are: Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT) and the End of Course Exam (EOCT). This research concluded that Georgia High School Graduation Test is a good measure to help disable people overcomes their deficiencies. However, this testing program in no is ideal in accordance with the theories and related discussion.

Table of Content


Chapter I: Introduction5

Introduction to the Problem5

Problem Statement6


Description of the Community6

Description of the Work Setting7

Writer's Role8

Chapter II: Study of the Problem9

Problem Description9

Problem Documentation9

Literature Review10

Causative Analysis11

The Need for Adaptive Evidence among Students with Learning Disabilities11

Oral Test12

Historical Overview of Learning Disabilities13

Freud, Psychoanalysis and Education14

Education and Behaviorism: Pavlov, Watson and Skinner16

Dyslexia and Dyslexic confuses letters18

Chapter III: Outcomes and Analysis21

Goals and Expectations21

Expected Outcomes21

Measurement of Outcomes21

Analysis of Results22

Chapter IV: Solution Strategy24

Statement of Problem24

Chapter V: Conclusion25


Annotated Bibliography29

Chapter I: Introduction

Introduction to the Problem

There is an increase has been witnessed in high school, college and universities enrollment of students having learning problems or disabilities. With the passage of time, the number of students with learning disabilities has been increased dramatically, due to that fact that there are mechanisms in place for the identification of such students. Majority of the educational institutions follow an identical pattern of conducting tests, to ensure that if the student advances for the next grade level or not. These tests or exams if not qualified by the students, will make them ineligible for the next grade and they are required to repeat their grades while their friends and classmate moves on. This mainly affects the transition of students of high school, because if they fail, they will have to stay and repeat high school while there friends will move on to college and universities. This can adversely affect the self-esteem of the students, can develop frustration and increase the likelihood of dropping the school. Moreover, failure to pass the standard tests or exams will close certain opportunities on them.

However, there is a fact that a wide majority of high school students pass these tests except for few. Although, the scenario is completely different for high school students with learning disabilities as failure pose serious challenges for them. The format of education in United States has very limited procedures and curriculum for students with learning disabilities. Moreover, poor mechanism of identification of students with learning disabilities consolidates the barrier to pass the standard tests among high school children. This will ultimately affect students with learning disabilities mentally, emotionally and psychology and increases the chances of being left out pursing the ...
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