Learning Disabilities

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Adults with learning disabilities

Adults with learning disabilities


Hasmuk has deep discovering disabilities. He declines most communal communicate favoring to stay in his own room in an assembly dwelling seated rocking and vocalizing to himself. He is joyous to depart the room for repasts and to use the bathroom. If he is shown the vehicle through the window he will joyously proceed to it and be taken for a propel though he will not get out of it until he gets home. This general position has been discerned and commented on by all who arrive into communicate with him, encompassing the supervisor, key employee and his father.

Marvin is 40 years vintage, and has been in a protected places to stay for long time span of his life. During his time in a protected psychiatric unit he evolved complicated ritualistic behaviours in all every day undertakings, especially those associated to serving of food times. He hoarded nourishment and decimated property. Attempts to halt him produced in agitated demeanour and the incident of other demanding behaviours encompassing aggression to staff. He expended most of the day in his room - communally isolated and uninvolved in his care programme. He denied to depart until he had accomplished his rituals - expending up to eight hours in these.

Rafiq was born in Glasgow in 1978 (the case of Rafiq is founded exactly on a hypothetical case described in Thomson et al 1991). Developmental hold up was clear-cut from the early years, and self-injurious demeanour appeared from three years of age onwards. Seriously hard-hitting outbursts have furthermore gone on happening from that age, evolving more grave as he evolved physically. These could impose grave wounds on other ones, and regardless of strenuous efforts by a sequence of employees constituents, no exact origin has been identified. Now at 24 years of age Rafiq is completely ambulant and has a variety of rudimentary every day dwelling abilities encompassing accomplished and befitting use of cutlery. He can broadcast in a restricted way through sign, but has no voiced dialect or use of a prescribed marking system.

At present he inhabits in a assembly dwelling catering for persons with demanding demeanour beside Paisley. Staff report that he often enlists in body rocking and will bang his head contrary to the partition or other hard things granted the opportunity. He bites his hands and wrists and has lastingly impaired his forehead by striking it with the back of his hand. If distracted, he becomes very stimulated, shouting and rotating his trunk in brutal rotating motions.


Extensive work has been carried out in many local areas in conjunction with people with learning disabilities, family carers and service providers to establish a vision and direction for services to support people with learning disabilities and their families. It is now required to turn that vision and direction into reality on the basis of a commissioning strategy and capacity plan.

It is recognised that such work needs to be founded on up-to-date and comprehensive, evidence-based data about individuals and ...
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