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Critical Incident Analysis and Learning Contract

[Name of Student]

Critical Incident Analysis and Learning Contract


In clinical practice, critical incident includes medical emergencies that are unusual and complicated for the health practitioners. Under such critical conditions the nurses are made to provide decisions that could facilitate in treating the patients. The decisions that are made by the nurses are based on their knowledge and practice experience. The impact of the factors contributes to the positive or negative results of the decisions made. For this matter the role of critical incident analysis is significantly important in nursing placement.

At the same time learning contract has become evidently important to meet up the demands of the clinical needs and requirements at time of critical situations. It has become important to prepare nurses to confront and deal with emergency situations tactfully in light of their knowledge and practice experience. It is considered that the tool of learning contract significantly enhances the autonomy and motivation in learning, sharing of knowledge between instructing nurse and students, individualize learning, promotes lifelong learning, and teaches nurse how to cope and adapt changes in the nursing field.


Critical Incident Analysis in Medical Emergencies and Conditions

The notion of critical incident analysis is not new in medical terminology. It was first used by the pilots who evaluated flying mission to improve their performances. Errors in medical and clinical practice can lead to many adverse results. In worst conditions could lead to morbidity and mortality. It has become important that the practitioners must be competent enough to perform well at times of emergencies and undesirable medical conditions (Bulman & Schutz, 2013, p.69).

Critical incident analysis facilitates in identifying the relevant problems and provides the basis to reduce such incidents in light of well structured risk management (Hohenstein, et.al. 2013, p.1). The critical incidents might relate to issues of communication, treatment, knowledge, relationship, cultures and beliefs.

Critical incident analysis has been termed as an effective and appropriate strategy in nursing practice. This technique facilitates the students to employ a real time event from practice that can have a proactive impact on their practices and knowledge. This form of method allows nursing students to relate their theoretical concepts with the practical scenario to comprehend the situation better (Bulman & Schutz, 2013, p.69).

Impact of critical incident analysis on decision making

Decision making is a fundamental aptitude that is required by nurses in practice. The importance of decisions made has an immense importance on the outcome of patient's health. The decisions are made in the reflection of the knowledge acquired by the nurses along with the practice experienced. In critical incident nurses often has to make decisions that are solely based on their knowledge and experience. Underpinning knowledge and experience at the initial phase of nursing education could help in making mature and effective decisions in the practice placement (Ness et.al, 2010, p.41).

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