Learning Communication Skills

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Learning communication skills

Learning communication skills


Communication is considered as one of the fundamental module of human life. The process of sharing ideas, thoughts and feelings with other individuals is regarded as communication. The basic theme of learning communication skills includes three elements speaking, observing and listening. Whenever communication takes place speaking, observing and listening are existent which are regarded as important element of communication. The communication which we perform is associated with learned styles. When we were children, we learned how to communicate by watching our parents. Effective communication in adulthood can be learned by observing the people who communicate in highly professional fashion (Berko, 2010, pp 9-12). The ability of effective communication is associated with the three basic elements (speak, observe and learn) as discussed above. It is found, that an individual who has ineffective communication skills fails to convey his/her message effectively. This assignment is based on learning communication skills methods, which facilitate an individual to groom his/her skills.

Review Discussion

There are three basic elements which enhance the learning of communication skills. The three elements are speaking, observing and learning. The author believes, that the effective communication is directly associated with these three elements. The educational institutions play an integral role in developing communication skills in an individual (Dixon, et,al, 2009, pp 1-8). It is believed, that individuals' 80% of the life is spend on receiving and sending information.

The learning of communication skills is based on effective communication, communication process, barriers and types of communications. The learning of commutation skills revolves around these elements, which I have mentioned.

The basic learning of communication skills is associated with effective communication. The core concept of effective communication is base on understanding. It means that the message from sender to receive has to perfect, without any distortion.

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