Learning Case Study Summary

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Learning Case Study Summary

Learning Case Study Summary

The learning patterns which children of today's global age have are entirely different from those which their parents used to have. Previously, children were all allowed to roam outside in the woods and streets without having any adult around them, but, at this point of time things have changed totally. Because of the growing safety concerns about children, parents today do not allow their children to go outside alone. The report is based on the profile of Nabilia who lost self confidence and low self confidence due to some psychological and environmental factors.

This case study explains the concept that a child may experience numerous problems with regard to learning, which could put a lot of pressure on him along with his parents. This is such an issue which may offset a child's confidence, and her ability to comprehend things the way they need to be understood, in their right context. In addition, this may inhibit the development of the child, which could reflect on the child's personality in latter part of his/her life. Therefore, it is very important for the parents and the teachers alike to analyse and rectify any difficulties that a child may experience from learning, and the earlier these issues are addressed, the better it will be for the child in question. This paper is aimed at analysing the factors which contribute toward the difficulties which certain children like Nabilia face when it comes to learning, in addition to shedding light on her detail profile and intervention plan that will contribute to her learning capability (Katz, 1995).

As part of diagnosis the main problem of the child is that she is not being adjusted to the new environment and unable to mix with other culture people in the school. It ...
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