Learning And Development Of Children

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Learning and Development of Children

Learning and Development of Children


Development and learning is the process through which every child has to pass. This is the process that involves learning and getting master in the adoption of necessary skills like talking, sitting, walking, eating, understanding, skipping etc. Children learn these skills throughout the period which is referred as milestone of development.

Children pass out through different stages which develop certain skills. For instance,

Children learn different skills which develop their ability in learning new things and solve different sorts of problems. For example, a five to six month old baby learns to examine the environment with their eyes and hands. Similarly, a four year old child learns to perform different tasks and solving math problems. This is the Cognitive development phase of learning and development.

Another phase is Social and Emotional Development in which, child use to interact with others he or she try to help themselves and control their selves. For example, seven to eight month old child smile, one year child waving hand for bye bye, or four year old boy knowing how to make strategy for winning games.

Speech and Language Development is another phase by which child develop its understanding and language skills. For example, a child saying his first word in ten to twelve months, a two year old child names the parts of his body etc.

The another phase over which child develop his ability to use small muscles such as, their fingers and hands for the purpose of picking up objects, holding something, turning pages, or use colours to draw. This is the phase referred as Fine Motor Skills Development phase.

At the later stage child develop his skills to develop his ability for using large muscles. For instance, eight month old baby learn how to sit, twelve to fourteen month child learn how to walk by using support.

Different skills can be acquired in different stages by the children. Learning is the process which never ends, child even adults learn different sorts of skills which help them to take their own decisions, solve their problems etc.


Children are considered as the little version of adults because of which they receive little attention of development of their cognitive skills, usage of language etc that occur during their childhood. Finally, interest for children development began to appear early in 20th century. Many researchers have worked on the topic of child learning and development. According to most of them children require attention and understanding the child development is essential. Some of the theories are known as grand theories that focus over the developmental stage of child while the other theories are referred as mini theories that have limited focus over development.

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