Learning & Development

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Planning a Learning Event

(Activity I)

What are the principles of adult learning and the learning cycle?

Adult learning and learning cycle

Andragogy (Marchand, 1997) is a science because it must be scientific in appeal to the planning, implementation and evaluation of educational interventions but it is also an art because it must be imbued humanism and based on the climate of relations between the learner, the facilitator and other learners. In adult education, the learning situation: creating a climate of informal learning, relaxed, egalitarian, friendly, focused on self-esteem, desire for collaboration and learner needs; allows the reference to its adult experiences that constitute a rich resource and uses its autonomy, its ability to adapt to change, intrinsic motivation. The facilitator encourages the exploitation of these resources and maintains a balance between the training structure and degree of autonomy given to the learner. These principles were developed from numerous studies (Bourgeois, Nizet, 1997; Mezirow, 1991, Elias and Merriam, 1983; Cross, 1981) prove that adults began studying with high motivation and determination to learn to provided that the learning environment that is respected as individuals and as learners. The role of training The training helps people develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes by applying the principles by which adults learn best. A training program considered effective behaviour change as a process of learning. Training is the most direct way to improve performance, particularly if it is not only about acquiring knowledge but also attitudes of learners and the skills to act. Cycle approach in a row Developing a training strategy requires a systems approach that considers the needs assessment of its target audience, developing measurable learning objectives and / or verifiable, conceptualizing ensembles including its content and learning activities, the execution of the training classroom, online etc. Finally evaluating the impact of training on knowledge, change attitudes and behaviours desired,

In most cases, identification of training needs ('identify training and development needs') is the starting point (1) From the difference between current competencies and skills required, the targets are set ('objective ESTABLISH') (2). Then training is planned and developed ('design and choose activities and programs') (3). The execution of training ('deliver training') (4), is, in most cases, Followed by an evaluation ('Evaluate') (5) to monitor whether the objectives have been achieved

What are the four different styles of learning, and potential barriers to learning?

Styles of learning

Four styles of learning are incorporated in the theory of Learning Bulb. Kolb incorporates the' series of learning "as an essential code of his hypothesis of wisdom, and Kolb utilize the terminologies:

Diverging (CE/RO)

Assimilating (AC/RO)

Converging (AC/AE)

Accommodating (CE/AE)


People which adopt the diverging learning style have the ability to look at things differently in different situations and environment. These people prefer to observe things and situations around them and gather information. They tend to solve problems by using the gathered information and their imagination. They also have the ability to give different viewpoints about several situations and circumstances. These people are called diverging because they are good at generating new and innovative ...
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