Learning And Cognition

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Learning and Cognition Critique

Learning and Cognition Critique

Cognitive Skills are important as they play a vital role in the learning and development of oneself. Those students and learners who have fully developed cognitive system do not feel and experience as many problems as does those who possess some kind of inability in neural and cognitive processes. This issue is gaining momentum in the current scenario as Education is considered the right of all and an indicator of personal as well as social and economic development.

The recognition of such issues; which not only include mental incapacity but also physical and social constraints, prompts the teaching staff and consultants to constantly update teaching methodologies and devise strategies that are aligned with the needs of those suffering with some kind of incapacity. It is imperative for those methodologies; for those teaching and learning tactics to be effective enough that they justify the cost incurred. It is important to be said because in the arena of Teaching and Education, methods through which evaluation is done and students' progress are gauged results mostly in subjective responses. Subjective responses are like double-edged sword; it may present distorted judgmental capability or it may help in continuous improvement of teaching and education strategies. Extensive research is therefore required to highlight strategies with effective evaluation tools so that feedback could help in identifying the loopholes and implementing better strategies so as to rectify them.

Interactional theory proposed three phases of learning that is enactive, iconic, and last symbolic. The theory is related with the principals of instruction used for learning; there are three modes for representing instruction that is enactive, iconic and symbolic representation. The mode of instructions changes with the growth of child. In enactive, where learner is less familiarized knowledge discovery learning is used, in iconic phase inquiry teaching is implemented and in symbolic representation spiral curriculum is used. Spiral curriculum starts with more general and end up at more specific area of knowledge (Smith, 2002).

Interactional theories are based on instruction that helped the individual in learning and adopting instructions through different stages of life. It is similar with Piaget theory which also depends on four stages, cognitive development is based on student centered approach. Interactional theories are based mainly on instructions. Theses instruction differs from stage to stage. Yet the process of cognition is internal and it involves inner voice of individual. In this way interactional theory deviates from cognitive theory (Smith, 2002).


This issue poses significant problem where students are unable to understand and learn what they are taught which could destroy their academic as well as professional life. Not interacting in social situations will impede social development of distressed learners, which is the responsibility of schools to inculcate in their students. They feel severe emotional outbursts and they do not attend school with usual fervor they used to signify. Homework and home assignments are usually not completed and submitted in time. They show disjointed thought and speech process in ...
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