Learning And Assessment Basics

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Learning and Assessment Basics

Learning and Assessment Basics


Teaching and learning go side by side, however, it is always the teacher who has the bigger rather toughest responsibility to spread the knowledge that he or she has gained through best possible and simplest means. Simply put, there is always that one person who possesses command in something that others need to know. So it is the responsibility of that person (the teacher) to share that part of knowledge with others (the learners). Today, teachers are also become facilitators who encourage and want their students to gather facts and information from every available source they can. They want their students to explore, think, invent and then learn themselves (Ellis, 2001).

Now days, emphasis is given more on the idea of learning and not on teaching. It involves students to get engage in different practices and learn through their experiences. So, the active learning, on part of students depends how well they have been encouraged to get involved in education. The key to promote and establish this trend anywhere is embedded in improved relationship between teachers and students.

The Teacher-Student Relationship

When a teacher wants students to learn better, he or she need to be at the level of their students and develop a communication bridge to engage them more in the process of learning. Positive and productive relationship between students and teachers favors active learning a lot. A vigorous learning environment matters and it is the teacher who easily creates such an atmosphere. Positive interaction of teachers with students and positive contribution of students together support a series of healthy education (Rimm-Kaufman, 2012).

It is a shared task for both educators and students that together they build a caring and safe environment in the class. In this way students will feel that they can express themselves easily without any fears of making mistakes. Whereas, the teachers tend to formulate a supportive model of class and also want their students to be respectful in return.


There have been different kinds of strategies based on the bond of teachers and students that have been implemented worldwide today. Presentations, class discussions, research papers, practical approaches, project learning and groups studies are all some of those teaching and learning policies. Every student is different from another student in terms of intelligence and learning style, but at the end the day they all either want to learn or have to learn or don't want to learn at all, which shows that the challenges of educators are high today and will be tougher in the future as well.

Learners of the Future

The characteristics of learners or students in the future will be much like the same that the present day students have. They will also be exploring different fields in life for better understanding of things in the coming future. In fact, they might be a little more self-directed learners, constructive thinkers and effective communicators and most importantly they will also be surrounded by more technologies in the future. The ever increasing advancement in technology ...
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