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Learner Log Book

Trust and Performance Management in Non-Profit Organizations


Performance management as a management tool is gaining momentum in the non-profit organizations. Taking a mixed experience in performance management public and non-profit in mind, this article has examined the potential for trust and soft factor that can lead to more effective performance management in nonprofit sector. It has already been mentioned that the trust is very important for various reasons in non-profit organization. After some remarks on terminology confidence issue in organizational and economic literature in general, the article has focused on the relationship between trust and performance management, and overviewed at the benefits of trust (Dorothea .Greiling, 2007). Moreover, it has also taken into consideration the soft factor “Trust” that also served as a path for designing performance management system as a guiding tool in the non-profit industry.


Some of the key learning points that are significant in this article are Trust in nonprofit organizations and the performance management system in such organizations. There is an increasing trend in the implementation of performance management systems in profit as well as non-organizations. The performance management tool is used as steering instrument for evaluating performance of such organizations. Popularity of balanced scorecard has influenced overall organizational structure in order to judge and implement such systems that can facilitate the organizations irrespective of their nature. The tools of performance management systems are used for the management of contract relations among the partners of non-profit contracts and public authorities. Furthermore, an existence of trust is another important element that is required for organizations in order to flourish and prosper in the community.


Some of the statements that are relevant to the session are the effectiveness of performance management. Trust is also another factor that ...