Leaner As A Social Being

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Leaner as a Social Being

Leaner as a Social Being


The methods used today to teach any language second (L2) includes activities that aim to develop skills expression and listening comprehension. This, from our perspective today seems so unquestionably necessary, was not always a matter so evident in the history of L2 teaching. In the late eighteenth to mid nineteenth century, teaching L2 is mainly focused on grammar and written questions. It was due mainly due to two reasons: first, the goal majoritarian, River of those who learn foreign languages was to understand written texts produced in the target language as the possibilities of communication with natives of that language, given the development of means of transport in the time, were not as numerous as they are today. Furthermore, the Latin, which had been the language of culture to the sixteenth century, later taught a theoretical and imminently written (remember it was a language dead), methodology that later influenced the teaching of other languages. With industrial development and the consequent improvements in the quality of life produced in the nineteenth century came also as a means of developing transport and therefore an increased chance of international contacts signals. This also had its impact on teaching and learning of L2, since the main objective gradually longer text comprehension for communication. Then comes the first books of conversation. The creation in 1886 of the International Phonetic Association contribution positively supports oral language in the teaching of L2. His pre- occupation not only lay in speech therapy but also in the study of spoken language and practice of these conversational and dialogic texts. Reform in the L2 teaching methods advocated a methodology based on the oral. Some hitherto neglected aspects such as gestures or the situational context in which the communicative act occurs relevant. Immersed in these ideas comes the Direct Method, one of the most broadcast from early naturalists. According to this method the teaching should be done exclusively in the target language. The everyday language Diano, so absent from formal texts studied in the traditional method, entered the classroom as an essential element. To improve the ability of graduated oral communication content according to the difficulty, we were introduced and oral and progressively through monologues teacher and talks with him. Later on, with an oral approach emerged in Britain around 1930 Situational Method, which it flourished until the 60's and still continues to create materials for teaching a L2. This method first primacy to the situation develops in which the act of speech. This situation is to bind to a selection from the vocabulary (depending on when conducted in a supermarket, a railway station at the airport), the grammar is taught in a graduation program: from the simplest to the most complex. Once you have practiced the vocabulary and grammar in oral form, it works with writing. The emphasis is on the oral component of language. Discussion

Naturalistic principles are based on the idea that the acquisition of an L2 can ...
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