Lean Management

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Lean Management


Company Background2

Products & Services2

Order Winners3

Order Qualifiers3


Problem Identification4

Issues of Security in Property Management4

How it is Harming the Company5

Literature Review5

Lean Organization7


Operational Benefits of Lean Management at Knight Frank9

Project Plan & Changes11

Implementation of 5-S12




Lean Management


Lean management eliminates the time consuming or wasting steps from operations. It also involves relevant people and strives to achieve the company's goals with alignment to customers' values. A common misconception in this regard is that lean systems can only be applied in manufacturing. However, the lean systems are applicable in every business and process regardless of its type (The Folk Group, 2009). Such systems do not implement any tactic of cost reduction methods but includes the ways if thinking and acting from the business perspective.

This report aims to explore how the problems in business operations can be solved by lean management. The purpose of this report is to identify the problems at Knight Frank Shanghai and providing the solution in light of lean management. The report explains the new solution to the problem with the implementation methods. It also analyses the implications of applying the solution. The new system will be lesser time consuming for the visitors. It will also improve the security practices provided by the company. It will build the positive image of the company that can generate higher profits by attracting more tenants.

Company Background

Knight Frank is a prominent name in the property market of China. The company is doing business from 35 years.

Products & Services

The services offered by Knight Frank include variety products. These are mainly asset management & investment, corporate residential services, property management, acquisitions, sales & leasing, etc. One of the principal components of Knight Frank business is the property management that aims to provide security, maintenance & repair and renovation (Knight Frank China, 2013).

Order Winners

The main reasons due to which customers avail the services of the company are considered as order winners. These services distinguish the company over its competitors. The key attributes that differentiate the Knight Frank from its competitors are the quality of their services. The company provides consultancy services to investors at all levels- individual or business. The employees provide a unique customer service that is known for its teamwork, innovation and passion (Amasaka, 2013).

Order Qualifiers

These are the most haves or basic attributes that should be offered by the company services in order to make their service acceptable by the consumers. The key services provided by the company are the order qualifiers. These are provision of global real estate solutions to the commercial and residential offering (Knight Frank China, 2013).


The Company is currently serving well known organizations across the world such as HSBC, Ernst & Young and PricewaterhouseCoopers. The business growth can be estimated by calculating the premises owned or leased by the company. According to the official website, Knight Frank is managing 18 million square feet premises. This includes both commercial and residential premises (Puvanasvaran et.al, 2009).

Problem Identification

Issues of Security in Property Management

The problem identified in the Security Management in ...
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