League Tables

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League Tables in Public Services

League Tables in Public Services


Policymakers have recently placed increased emphasis on allowing individuals to choose among providers of public services like schools and hospitals. Tools such as league tables have increasingly been used to facilitate this choice. In this paper, we will discuss critique and describe the use of league tables in this context using 'trust in numbers' and 'politics, in knowledge management'. The paper will also discuss whether these tools are a necessity when customers given a choice among providers of public services.

Politics and Knowledge Management

The management of knowledge is in the knowledge, and information society is becoming increasingly important, but also difficult. Main responsible for this is to acquiring existing Knowledge at the same time decreasing- mender half-life. In this Paper discusses the possibilities knowledge management that the systematic monitoring and management of Knowledge - especially in the field of Policies described (Easton 2005, p. 101). This who- the five instruments presented, and how they work and Application context, he briefly purifies. These methods aim particularly aimed at single- dependent knowledge of personal ex- explicitly - and transferable - to make. The contribution includes with the similarities of the tools presented and a call to their advertising in political analysis and Decision-making. Although knowledge of Western political project models, historical and cultural roots and the notion of knowledge are obviously different from those discussed here. Since the advent of the monasteries (precursors of universities), the conceptions "universal" knowledge have proposed the separation of man from nature, work and daily life, making the production and use of knowledge in an individual company devoid of emotion, typical of experts and based on consumption, elements that are part of Western cultural archive. Furthermore, the distinctions among intellectuals (producing knowledge) and others (not produce) break the Indigenous epistemology and politics of collective consensus, however, Western political projects do tend to work this way.

Fights as a subsystem of the society political system with four ubiquitous Challenges in dealing with knowledge: First, it complicates the increasing amount political knowledge of producing to shift new knowledge to be- and judge to take into account adequately. Second, the increasing differentiation of knowledge (specialization) (Edelman 2001, p. 45), this Additional assessment and makes a Delegation to committees and expert groups is necessary. Third, intensify the increasing globalization of the knowledge first two problems, leading to Combination with those of another Phenomenon: the decreasing relative.


In the context of China's changing economic climate, it is only logical that the Communist Party and government have become more selective in efforts to manage propaganda and cultural works. Administrative control over areas of news and information that are overtly political in content (e.g., diplomatic and governmental affairs, political and ideological commentary, questions of national security or sovereignty) has not abated, and in some respects has intensified (Follett 2004, p. 78). New bureaucratic agencies and formal rules and regulations for press control have supplanted what used to be a fairly amorphous ...
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