Leading Transformation & Change

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Leading Transformation & Change

Leading Transformation & Change


Change concept

The "change management" is an emerging discipline that began to take shape during the 90s and is currently booming (Pettigrew, 1985).Change Management is a systematic and a planned way to overcome the issue that the organization is facing. Change Process usually takes place when an organization wishes to increase it productivity, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction as well as catering well in market needs (Gracie, 2000).

To reinforce the ability of organizational change, change management procedures are also used to help the alteration course with a particular stress on strengthening the companies' flexibility and capacity to react swiftly to new circumstances (Atkinson, 2005).

One of key factors driving the change in an organization is the Quality Management. It is an integral part for any company, and it poses a vast impact on the organization as well as employees life. If an organization is going through unsatisfactory position in customer loyalty and the quality of the product or service is decreasing, then they need to address the issue of quality management.

For example, if the sales numbers are decreasing but customers are still satisfied with the product, then the change process should be initiated in the sales management. Similarly, if the sales are decreasing due to quality of the product, then the change process must be in production and Quality management. However it may not just be that, a change would be required only in the production or sales management, a change can be brought in the entire organization either for the purpose of brand re-launching or organizational development. Change can also be brought in HR department of the organization to ensure quality people can be hired and quality products can be delivered (Gracie, 2000).

Organizations have significant impact with Leadership Change too. Transformational Leadership is the process of influencing major changes in the attitudes of organizational members and building commitment towards the organization's missions, objectives and strategies (Yukl, 1994). Effective leadership change in an organization, can create a strong culture to drive the employees to achieve a targeted vision by ensuring there is substantial teamwork and empowerment (Schein, 1990) .

Leaders are of 2 types Transactional and Transformational based on the study of Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire developed by Bass (1985) . Transactional Leaders are those who tend to maintain a status quo, do not envisage a farfetched vision and their leadership style is, delegation of work and passing orders (Pieterse et al., 2010) . Transformational Leaders tend to change the status quo by taking initiatives, increase the performance level through effective communication and knowledge sharing which is effective to propel an organization from the state of inertia (Brown & Reilly, 2009)

Managing change within organization

Managing change are those strategies and plans, which maintain and support the change from the current state to a new outcome. Initial change is easier than maintaining transition. Main factors of change management are the buy in the process and training. Changes in business are constantly taking place and accelerating day by day (Leban, ...
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