Leading People

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Unit 14 - Working with and Leading People


1.1)Documentation to Run Recruitment Campaign1

Job Advertisement1

Job Description2

Person Specification3

Interview Form3

Five Questions4

1.2)Impact of legal, regulatory and ethical Considerations4

Recruitment and Selection Process4

Legal and Regulatory Considerations4

Ethical Considerations5

1.3)Selection Process5

1.4)Evaluation of Personal Contribution to the Selection Process6

2.1)Newsletter Article on Skills and Attributes Needed for Leadership7

2.2)Poster on Difference between Leadership and Management8

2.3)Comparison of Leadership Styles9

Situation # 0110

Situation # 0210

2.4)Ways to Motivate the Senior Staff11

3.1)Benefits of Team Working12

3.2)Working in a Team12

CEO's Perspective to Resolve the Conflict13

3.3)Effectiveness of the Team13

4.1)Factors Involved in Planning the Monitoring and Assessment of Work Performance14

4.2)Plan and Deliver Assessment of the Development Needs of Individuals14

4.3)Success of the Assessment Process15


M1 - Particular Leadership Style15

M2- Tuckman's Theory of Team Building16

M3 - Human Resource Manager's Speech16


D1 - Team Work Practices18

D2 - Responsibility to Manage and Organize Activities18

D3 - Performance Appraisal19



Appendix A - CVs27

Appendix B - Figures30

Appendix C - Tables34

Unit 14 - Working with and Leading People

Part A- Pass Criteria

Documentation to Run Recruitment Campaign

Job Advertisement

Figure 1 illustrates the job advertisement for the newly opened post of 'Marketing Manager'. The advertisement will be posted in the local and national newspaper in order to attract, recruit and select the best talent for Higher Studies UK.

Figure 1: Job Advertisement (Source: Google Image)

Job Description

Higher Studies UK is a distance learning provider with ambition to offer nationwide learning services and facilities. For this purpose, post of marketing manager is highly imperative and crucial to the success and true image setting of the organization.

Role Requirements - The role requirements for this post include:

Responsibility to develop and maintain effective marketing strategies, which can help the organization to meet its objectives

To scan and assess changing market needs, business conditions, customer research, competitor moves in order to modify or propose changes in the current marketing and action plan

To manage advertising and marketing personnel and related activities

Responsibilities - Person in this post will be responsible for following actions:

Responsible to market and promote organizational products or services to the target segment

To optimize effective use of business resources in increasing customer database and customer satisfaction

To develop and implement timely progressed marketing campaigns for business products or services

To evaluate opportunities for product and market development

Ability to deliver marketing activities within budget constraints

Person Specification

The marketing manager post provides fertile opportunity for dynamic and career oriented individuals, who are willing to perform best at the challenging face of the world:

Degree in MSc Computer Science or MBA (Marketing)

Person needs to acquire and develop analytical and technical skills

5-10 years prior experience in the related industry

Knowledge and awareness of international and local brands

Developed understanding of market dynamics and customer expectations

Interview Form

Figure 2: Interview Form

Five Questions

Interview Questions:

1. What is your perception of marketing and Higher Studies UK?

2. For you, what elements can make marketing campaign a success? Any Example?

3. Your personal experience in managing a marketing project on schedule and within budget.

4. In the perspective of Higher Studies UK, when do you think an innovative course of action will be ...
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