Leading, Innovation And Change

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Leading, Innovation and Change

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Innovation and Change4

Critical Review of Theories of Innovation and Change5

Leaders Role in Change and Innovation7

Reactions to Change and Innovation8

Examples of Successful Innovations in my Career9

Personal Action Plan9



Leading, Innovation and Change


There are several organizations formed for the purpose of providing different products and services to their customers. The aim of the organizations is to provide customers with products and services, and dealing with the competitors in the industry. Today, the needs and demands of people are changing rapidly (Grubb, 2005). Since there are several competitors in the market, it is necessary for the organizations to bring continuous innovation in their products and services. The success of an organization depends on different people working together to achieve some decided goals and targets. The abilities and capabilities of people make them a part of an organization, and it is their responsibility to act and behave for the benefit of the organization (Cooke, 2001).

The leaders play an important role in bringing innovation and change as they have the rights to take decisions and actions. For most organizations, ongoing advancement is an ideal and crucial task, and it is difficult for them to handle the innovations easily. The planning and implementation of innovation requires organization transformation, especially on business process change, knowledge management, and organizational culture (Buttle, 2004). Organizations with the stability that aids in identifying novelty and coordinating routine change, organizations are not equally endowed with the ability to induce change and innovate (Cooke, 2001).

Innovation and change have helped several organizations in growing and advancing by improving their operations and functions (Aluko, 2003). In the 21st Century, it has become necessary for the leaders to consider the importance and necessity of innovation in organizations. This will also help in dealing with the competitors existing in the market. The development in products and services is a result of innovation and change. Several organizations have gone through this change in these many years (Aluko, 2003).


Innovation and change are two important terms, which play an important role in the success and development of organizations. The managers and leaders have to understand the importance and find out ways to develop strategies and implement innovation and change in their organizations. Innovation and change have been a part of societies and organizations for several years. It has helped in the development of several countries and organizations around the world (Tietze, Pieper and Herstatt, 2013).

Innovation and Change

Innovation is the uniqueness and creativity brought in products and services. It helps in attracting customers and satisfying their needs in a better way. Innovation and change not only helps organizations in growing and developing, but also allows them to deal with the competition (Buttle, 2004). People all over the world are taking advantage of this innovation and development as it has enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of the products and services. Innovation is a result of unique ideas and thoughts and can help organizations in growing and advancing (Lin, 2008).

The process of innovation depends on ...
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