Leading Children's

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Leading & Managing Children

Leading & Managing Children


The children's conversion from infancy to toddlers brings a quantum of changes in them. They turned from being helpless creatures to those who can run, scream and investigate things surrounding them. With adopting appropriate measures caretakers can enhance the cognitive, social and language development of their children's. For effectively managing and leading children people need to adopt developmentally appropriate practices which enhance the learning capabilities of the children's. The children's ability to grasp motor skills takes time and this could be aided through the education system.

People managing and leading children's should focus on promoting early childhood education. This will make children's more responsible and they will emerge as more socially and personally groomed. As pointed out by a recent research quality learning opportunities should be made an integral part of the education system of the country. Children have different emotions and feelings that must be observed by the teachers and parents. There are many methods of observations. Sometimes teachers observe during the classroom teaching and sometime they observe while having any activity or conversation (http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk, 2012, pp. 43-47). Here, the paper talks about three observations that are conducted to observe the response of children towards the particular exposure or activity.

Observation 1: Story telling

In story telling, the listening activity is being conducted for the children. All the children are gathered for this activity so that the teacher or instructor can observe and differentiate individual behaviour and evaluate their assessment. Coherence and consistency of the story depends on the clarity and distinctness of ideas. Only a clear, distinct idea can result in clear and distinct word of mouth. Storytelling can teach children to be on the material, the content of which is well known to children. The language expresses a person's thoughts and feelings, but because it develops best when the basis of the material which is used for the development of the linguistic abilities of children, put their personal experiences, personal experiences and interests. Only under this condition can be overcome by shyness, taciturnity, awaken sociability, without which it is difficult in linguistics in the extreme. Under this condition, the development of a child's speech coincides with the development of his personality (Glucksberg, et al., 1966, pp. 333-342).

Before the session, where the children will talk about their experience, the educator must consider:

a) What they would tell the children, and

b) What methods to teach their storytelling.

Theme of the story is scheduled based on knowledge of what interests the children at home and in the kindergarten, which events occurred in their lives. To learn about the lives of children at home, we often talk to children and their parents. Outlining the theme for children's stories, the teacher should make sure that all children (or at least most of the children), understand it clearly and concentrate on the theme of the topic. The stories can be based on children's daily activities like children on holidays in the family and in the kindergarten ...
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