Leading And Managing Organizations

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Leading and Managing Organizations

Leading and Managing Organizations


Organizations are confronted with an external environment that is constantly changing with the passage of time. In order to survive amid these challenging conditions, and in order to ensure long term success and profitability, it is imperative that managers and leaders of an organization devise effective strategies that efficiently lead and manage the entire business unit. There are a myriad of tasks and responsibilities that business planners and managers must carry out if they aim to improve the performance of the business and widen its competitive moat in the market as well as the industry. This paper compares the approaches between SEMCO and Turnbull and discusses the steps that business planners at Turnbull must adopt in order to lead and manage the organization amid a constantly changing and rapidly evolving market environment.


Leading an organization is certainly not an easy task - it requires rigorous planning, meticulous research and, most importantly, efficient management. A majority of the goals of an organization can be accomplished through the process of vision casting. Vision casting helps to motivate teams with the help of compliments and praises. In the case of SEMCO, the company believes in the empowerment of employees. As a result, it has devised policies that give them the leverage to set their own working hours, choose their own salaries, or even select a boss under whom they would prefer to work.

SEMCO's approach is highly effective in terms of motivating employees and keeping them psychologically satisfied. By fulfilling every possible desire of its employees, it offers them customised working hours and timings according to which they feel satisfied at work, it offers them to design their salary packages on own giving them financial satisfaction (Weber, 1947). They have no burden of working in a stressful and forma manner, ...
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