Leading And Inspiring People

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[A200HRM Leading and Inspiring People]

[A200HRM Improving Team Performance]

[Word Count: 2019]


The store of electrical retailer has not been performing well as compared to other stores because warehouse supervisor has been behaving badly with his subordinates and they were hesitant of taking his help or advice. He was ignoring developmental needs of the staff and there were number of errors on the stock list that caused problems for the sales team. Since I am the manager of the store therefore, it is my prime responsibility to solve this issue so that performance of the store can be enhanced.


There are different options that can be used to address issue of underperformance of the staff members in which. The primary thing is that I will make efforts to establish the reason of underperformance as it can help me to determine right course of action. Apart from the behavior of the warehouse supervisor named Peter, there can be some other casual factors that require different solutions and these reasons may be that employees are not able to recognize what is expected from them and maybe they are not aware of their job description, policies, objectives etc. The employees can also lack the skills to perform their job and they do not know how they are performing because of inadequate feedback. Moreover, low morale, motivational lack and personal issues can also be reasons for low performance. Different options available to address this issue providing training to all the staff related to all the staff for improving their behavior, making quality description of job for all the store employees, making periodic goals for driving performance, and making comprehensive action plan to address this issue and improving overall performance of the store (Armstrong & Baron, 2005, pp. 145-151). I will opt for making comprehensive action plan because it will not only help to improve behavior of a particular employee, but will also increase overall productivity of the store which is my basic target.


LO1: Identify and analyze issues which affect performance

It is important that manager is able to identify the right issue that is affecting the performance of the staff. The manager should specifically state the facts of performance in which expectation gap, behavior of employees and outcomes of results should be analyzed comprehensively. Since basic issue of the store has been highlighted by staff members therefore, I will analyze behavior and productivity of Peter so that I can make take any measure for improving Peter and his team performance (Kreitner, 2009, pp. 281-289). In order to develop a powerful team, it is necessary that manager should perform performance evaluation in which he has an opportunity to access contribution of employee of the company. The individual and team performance including behavior of the employees can be measure by help of following steps:

Developing an evaluation form

Identifying measures of performance

Setting guidelines for feedback

Creating termination and disciplinary procedures

Setting schedule for evaluation

These steps can be helpful for motivating staff of Peter to improve their ...
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