Leadership Theories

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Leadership Theories

Leadership Theories


This paper intends to explore one of the leadership theories from four selected and studied theories. A table mentioned in the appendix section illustrates different variables of leadership theories. It further demonstrates practical implication of “relationship theories” and how transformational leader perform this leadership style and philosophy. The leader holds a charge of a cross-functional team to develop services for key clients.


Today, companies greatly depend upon competent leadership to direct them through unparalleled modifications. Nevertheless, there exist abundant data that support the fact that a number of excellent and most esteemed firms are not able to acclimatize to change, employ their strategic arrangements fruitfully or practice for a more indecisive future (Tarabishy, et.al, 2005). Organization efficiency is mostly depending on effective leadership. Leadership is an essential management tool which helps the company to achieve its goals and objectives with maximum efficiency and efficiently. An efficient leader fulfills both the dimensions of duties. The first dimension is a professional leadership, which includes the duties of setting goals and objectives, creating strategies for achieving goals and controlling all the planning with an absolute assurance. The second dimension is individual leadership performance. The key responsibilities of this role includes trust building among the concerned people, taking a proper care of them and following a complete code of conduct that is he should know the value of business ethics and culture. Both professional and personal leaderships are essential for companies progress (Mastrangelo, et.al, 2004).

Pragmatic Implementation of Relationship Theories in a Cross-Functional Team

There are a number of leadership theories analyzed in academic literature and implemented in contemporary organizations. Four leadership theories studied include contingency theories; situational theories, management theories, and relationship theories. Out of these theories, this paper mainly focuses on relationship theories.

Relationship theories or transformational theories emphasize on the associations and relationships created among leaders and their followers. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate individuals through assisting their group associates observe the significance and better sound of the job. These leaders are paying attention to the conduct of the organization associates, however; also desire each person to achieve his or her prospective. Transformational leaders embrace high moral and ethical values. Leaders who follow transformational leadership believe that employees can attain tremendous accomplishment when they are passionate and inspired about visualization. He or she regularly institutes high anticipations for team members and inculcates a spirit of pleasure in all subordinates. Transformational leader also prefers that ...
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