Leadership, Team Building And Communication

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Leadership, Team Building and Communication


I worked under the executive manager in a health care organization. The document will explore my experiences in regards with the management issues in the organization. The content of document is designed to explore the things I learned and implemented and its potential consequences I regards with leadership, team working and communication.



Before joining this program the vision I had of leadership was pretty much phony, clouded. It was like an impression that you get from movies and soaps around. A leader is a person bossing around, dressed in suit and making people follow him. However after this internship I figured out that there is a lot more dimensions associated with the word Leader then what one perceives to be. My team leader was indeed the perfect illustration of how a leader must be. A leader is indeed a person with perfect blend of many leadership qualities. Leadership skills are actually blended of tools, capabilities and behaviors that an individual requires with the aim of being triumphant in directing and motivating others. Leadership requires influencing people towards a mutual target and goal. However the true meaning of leadership is far beyond this. It also requires the capabilities of nurturing and advancing your own abilities. A successful leader drives others to achieve his/ her success. To examine leadership from several perceptions is what one needs to get a hold on leadership qualities and this is exactly what this course offered. A superior leadership is an outcome of the vigilant application of various proficiencies that anyone can be trained to use. To explore what exactly leadership is, on the very first day we all were given a task to present our personal reviews on what leaders entail. The task was simple; write whatever you think about leaders in clear simple words. It was shocking to see how diversely people view this word to be. Indeed exploration of this word brought about several comprehensive insights regarding leadership dynamics.

Furthermore I learned that leadership and managements that are often used as synonyms are completely distinct areas. Even though leading and managing are closely linked terms, one cannot identify the irony of differences between “leading” and “managing” till he or she is actually involved in these two tasks simultaneously . Management is all about maintaining the status quo, managing the things around and organizing the framework. Leadership on the other hand is about motivating and directing people working under you to meet the goals and objectives. On the other hand for effective leadership, management is needed. Hence they both strongly depend on each other. Managers lead and leaders manage, however these two roles cannot be considered as synonymous

Anyways, the perception of leaders for many other individuals was very different from mine. There is no denial to the fact that culture greatly influences perceptions and hence different people belonging to different cultures had different say as to what leadership means and what qualities a leader must project. Previously I used to consider ...
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