Leadership Styles

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Comparison of Two Leaders

Comparison of Two Leaders


A leader is a person who has the ability to control, manage and manipulate the societal sources and resources and the people around him. A leader is followed by several people and influences many people through his or her practices and activities. On the other hand, the leader can also be described as a person who can help the people around him or her in the organisation or any other place, in achieving their goals.

The leader organizes the group of people to accomplish a common goal and aim with same or similar objectives. It is not necessary that a leader should have a formal and legalised authority to control other the power and authority may also be informal or assumed. All the leaders are not the same, and they do not use same styles and pathways to influence people. There are several different types of leadership styles which different leaders follow.

Richard Branson

Sir Richard Branson was born on 18th July 1950 in England. He is the best known business magnate and is also popular for keeping the foundation of the Virgin Group and being one of the best leaders in the world (Branson, 2013).

Personal Qualities and leadership character

Richard Branson is one of the courageous leaders in the world. This can be proved by his act that when the Virgin cola was launched he stimulate towards the Times Square along with a tank which was representing the declaration of the war against the Coca Cola and Pepsi. This act has never been practiced by any marketing manager of any firm. This was something unique that he did. He is a figurehead for the brand Virgin Cola. This is because he entails in him all the qualities like organising himself in a well defined manner, catering the clients and most importantly he presented himself as the spokes person of the firm. He proved himself to be a figurehead who was more powerful to the firm than the brand. His act which followed the, launch of the Virgin Cola made him extra popular in the news and headlines (Walenius.com, 2013).

Richard is also a passionate leader by every means. This is because he portrays full energy and enthusiasm when it times to accomplish the task and the goals. This is also a fact that an entrepreneur usually entails the passion and Richard is also an entrepreneur. Apart from these two leadership traits, the Richard also entails in him some other leadership traits. He is a leader who is always risk taking and always keen to initiate for innovation and inventions to make something unique. This can be proved by his one more courageous act. Richard sold out Virgin Records in order to save the firm in financial terms. He took this decision when the competition in the USA was at the peak. His risk taking quality can be proved by the example that he introduced the business enterprise named Virgin Galactic which was the, business of ...
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