Leadership Style

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Leadership Style

Leadership Style


Identify the organization

Brief overview of the organization

The organization of my paper will be Jack Myers Construction Inc. Jack Myers Construction Inc is an independently owned corporation that went into business in 1991 as a sole proprietorship and recently incorporated in 2008. Its main focus is buying, remodelling and selling residential homes in Mountain View and Los Altos, California. Its secondary focus is remodelling residential homes for customers. Consisting of seven full-time and two part-time independent contractors as well as many sub-contractors used, Jack Myers Construction has had many years of success and recently had a decreased in its profits due to the economic conditions of the housing market in the greater bay area of California as well as other areas of the United States.

Identify your role within organization

In the past two years, I have worked part-time for Jack Myers Constructions as a general helper and painter.

Identify issues, events, and actions that contributed to problem being discussed

I propose to do a research paper on leadership styles and how they influence organizational behaviour. Using the concepts learned from our text, Organizational Behaviour, and other research sources such as DeVry University Library EBSCOhost and Google Scholar, I hope to gain and present a better understanding of leadership styles and their implications for performance and satisfaction as well as reward systems that affect organizational changes.

Identify the problem you will discuss in your paper

Define the problem.

I have observed leadership styles as well as reward systems at Jack Myers Construction that need to be improved upon in order for behavior changes to occur to better benefit the organization as a whole.

To whom is it a problem?

When employees make mistakes, they are still being paid to fix their mistakes rather than suffer punishments. This in turn does not seem to encourage certain employees to improve the quality of their work.

To what extent is it a problem?

Leadership styles in the organization seem to cause stressful situation on the job sites as well as negative behavior in certain workers. Jack Myers is the boss who writes the paychecks and Mark Marlow is the foreman. They often discuss the plan of action for a job, only to later encounter conflict because Jack would make changes without first conferring with Mark. Thus workers are not where they are suppose to be and customers are disappointed because tasks are not being completed when promised.

Analysis of Problem

Causes of problem

Since the age of the industrial revolution, the role of professional employees has taken on tremendous importance. Society today has become very dependent on specialized expertise and knowledge; hence the increasing numbers of professionals and professional associations. As business organizations and government administrations become more complex, they need to employ more professionals on whose services they now depend. This proliferation of professionals has led to increased specialization and the emergence of a variety of new disciplines, which have been added to the traditional professional structure in society suggests that specialization has allowed our economic sectors to ...
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