Leadership Studies

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Leadership Studies

Leadership Studies


For the paper, we shall aim to undertake and identify the kind of issues and ideas that are associated with leadership in a wholesome context. With reference towards the understanding of the paper, our basic focus and focal point of concentration shall be the concept and constructs associated with leadership and its impact and influence upon the people working in the organization.

This paper would also give out a brief understanding and comprehension regarding the kind of benefits and challenges that are associated with leadership being practiced in the organization and also tries to gauge the effect of leadership skills and traits upon the growth and performance of the employees and the organization as a whole.

The paper, on a conclusive note, would develop a more critical, yet constructive understanding regarding the kind of amendments and changes that are necessary while performing the role of leadership. For this purpose, a more critical approach shall be undertaken for analyzing and critically reviewing those studies that have been undertaken for the purpose and objective of creating and understanding of the approaches that are being practiced by leaders active in the organization.

Discipline of Leadership

Leadership, as we know it, has evolved substantially from limiting practice during the times of the Great Kings and nobles that existed in history to those that spread out to people belonging to all walks of life (Avolio, 2005, p. 441). Either on a personal or professional note, leadership has been seen and witnessed as amongst the most important facets in the world today, in order for individuals to survive and make way for exercising their individual, distinct skill sets and characteristics, fit for becoming a leader (Barnard, 2006, 162-170).

Leadership today has grown significantly from it was initially. Making way from the times of the Mughal Empire to the Chinese Dynasty to the infamous generations that prevailed at the time of the Pharaohs in Egypt all had their own distinct objectives, motives and understanding, which were chalked, crafted and aligned with the otherwise long-term targets and achievements that these people individually had to undertake (Bryman, 2006, pp. 63).

Having said, as time passed by and things evolved and changed with time, people became much more aware of their individual skill sets, traits, abilities, capacities and characteristics, which would make way for outstanding progress and growth of an organization on a whole different level, which would actually help the company grow and excel into different levels of set targets and objectives (Collins and Holton, 2004, pp. 217).

Leadership Styles

Considering the kind of understanding and comprehension that needs to be undertaken in the world today, individuals need to make way for the purpose and objective of creating the best and most effective outcome that individuals continue to give out their best yields and make way for profits, revenues and clients pouring into the company (Bryman, 2006, pp. 63).

For this purpose, let us briefly identify and analyze the styles of leadership which best suit organizations in ...
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