Leadership Skills

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Leadership skills

Leadership skills


I am a single 27 year old mother of a 9 year old little girl and I use leadership skills raising her. I moved here from Poland after having my daughter to start a life and create something for myself and daughter. I worked hard to get where I am and I continue to strive for more as well as the best in my life. I am a full time student who tutors other students in economics because they come to me for help which I see is a form of leadership. I work hard and follow my dream and goals in life. My real leadership skills come from my honor, courage, and commitment to life, my family, and everything in front of me. our society the role of the woman has evolved over the last two to three decades, with the professional woman now gaining recognition while still tending to her role as wife, mother and care giver to name a few. I now find myself having to strike that balance between my professional and personal life.

My leadership skills

In my self assessment, I believed that communication was my major area of concern at first, but after further consideration I realized that assertiveness is the bigger issue. Assertive behaviour according to Guirdham (1995, p.220) is, “behaviour based on valuing yourself enough to insist on getting what you want and need by using reasonable and fair means.”  In reviewing my behaviour, I have come to realize that instances where I considered my behaviour as assertive, was seen as aggressive by other individuals. In an incident earlier this year I was annoyed since, I thought that a staff member was trying to 'pull one over' on me. I stood next to her with my hands on my ...
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