Leadership- Self Assessment Tools

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Leadership- Self Assessment Tools

Leadership- Self Assessment Tools


I used two leadership-self assessment tools that are “Leadership Style Survey” and “Leadership Matrix Survey”. Below I summarized that what I found about my leadership by the help of these two tools. And tools are attached in “Appendix”.


Self assessment tools can shine a light on you and your personality that is very valuable. Consider doing one or more of the following assessments. There are many self-assessment tools available which can help you to reflect upon your leadership traits, ranging from the basic to the more complex and scientific. If you have an opportunity to complete one of the internationally recognised leadership self-assessment inventories at some point, then that of course would be beneficial and is to be recommended. However, such tools are expensive to use, and it is not always necessary to opt for the complex option when seeking to identify your strengths and weaknesses in terms of the personal traits that underpin leadership.

First assessing tool helped me assess that which leader ship style I follow usually, According to this tool, my Authoritarian style, participative style and delegative style been assessed. This tool says that whichever column or style got the highest score, that style I usually practice. So my style of leader ship is Participative. This is my strength that I prefer team work. But I should also use the delegative and authoritarian style at some extent. This is my weak point that I do not use authoritarian style. At some points, it is necessary to become a harsh boss. Because the people who take advantage of leniency, they do not work on time. As I keep friendly environment and have flexible nature, people requests for extra leaves, which are unnecessary and it leads bad impact on my proper work flow strategy. Second Assessing tool is “LeaderShip Matrix Survey”. According to that assessment I have a Team Leadership quality, and it tells that I am strong on tasks as well as people skills. I usually take my employees as a family member, and always behave with them kindly. As a result of it, my tasks are completed on time. I do not follow the bossy environment, in which everyone is pressurised and get scared that if I do not work properly my boss will fire me out. This creates a tension on workers mind and he or she can't able to perform task as efficiently as they can. I always try to incorporate friendly environment. I give space to my employees to come to me and discuss their issues easily. Most of Times the issues are not as bigger as they are seems to be. And most of the part of problem get solved from discussion. I also provide relaxation to my employees. Because what I believe is that if I take care of them, will surely work harder and whole heartedly. This will help me to accomplish my tasks on time and indirectly I got relaxed. The company will unquestionably prosper with ...
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