Leadership Questionnaire

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Leadership Questionnaire: Empowerment Motivation for Employees - Walking the Talk

Leadership Questionnaire: Empowerment Motivation for Employees - Walking the Talk


This paper offers an analysis of my motivational level based on “leadership questionnaire”. My motivational capability ranges in the middle of the point system.


I reach office on time and never leave office before time because I am passionate and enthusiastic about my work.

I expect similar accuracy level that I expect from my employees in their work because I think that leader is the one who must act as a role model.

Since, we work as a team at the office, so each member is equally responsible for the success or failure (mistakes) in the job or project. Here, I need to improve my motivational capabilities and must act as a leader my taking responsibility rather than blaming others.

I do not encourage a “no blame” culture as I believe that if something went wrong there must be a person who is responsible for it.

I do not hide things from my employees as I think that communication is essential to gain employee commitment towards work and organisation.

At the workplace, I do not encourage rumours and gossip as I perceive them as de-motivators.

I do not establish high ethical standards for my conduct because I believe in reactive approach and try to mould myself in accordance with the situation.

My emphasis is not on training or development of employee, I put more emphasis on goal achievement and targets attainment.

I do not take part in training as I do not consider them fruitful in improving my competencies and skills.

Employees are not much encouraged to play an active role in setting their own goals and objectives. Although, it will increase employee ownership towards the organisational development still it is perceived as irrelevant activity that may distract employees from their job.

I rarely check the fit of objectives between the team and company. In my company, objectives are semi-annually set and find it extraneous to check it on a regular basis, which indeed a symptom of disinterest towards my work.

I have a clear system of handling employee discontent because I am aware of the fact that highly motivated employees can only strive harder to perform above par.

At my workplace, system for handling discontent is well communicated among employees as I understand that employee dissatisfaction can have a negative impact on employee and organisational performance.

I am worried about minor matters as I believe that minor issue must be handled at the initial phase. I encourage my team to report issues at the initial stage they encounter and strive to resolve them.

I truly believe in building rapport and trust between leader and team members. This will allow them and me to learn from others weaknesses (error). Since, being a leader I am honest and promote a culture of sharing so that everybody can learn and improve.

Employees are not encouraged to adopt an approach of trial and error. Since, it might effective their current performance and organisational ...
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