Leadership Models

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Leadership Models

Leadership Models


Every business has to face the challenge of handling unsuccessfully performing employees at some point of time. It is quite easy for the employer to dismiss such an employee. This can result in the loss of a potentially strong employee. The employers need to investigate the causes of the dismal performance of the employee, explain to the employee his direction of failure, provide ample time to the employee to improve or provide alternatives to dismissal if there is no chance for the improvement of employee. It is the job of the manager to improve the performance of the employees under him. The managers offer vision and direction to the employees for the improvement of their performances. Understanding of the issues of failure of employees can help the managers evaluate ways to help employees improve their performance.

One such method of improving employees` performance is the method of properly coaching them. Various coaching models have been developed over years to help managers deal with the issue of failure of employees` performance. These models are designed to smooth the progress of learning a new attitude to enable professional or person growth. In this study, GROW, ACHIEVE and OUTCOMES leadership models have been discussed. Their main points have been explained. We have discussed their roles in the improvement of the performance of employees. A comparison has been done among these three models to evaluate the best one amongst all these.

The GROW Model

The GROW model was created by John Whitmore and Graham Alexander. It is one of the best coaching models in United Kingdom. This method is widely used in industry`s leadership coaching assignments. GROW stands for Goal, Reality, Opportunity and Will. It offers a simple framework to structure a coaching session. It is the crucial role of a leader to coach his team members in order to make them achieve the best. A coach assists his team members in solving problems, making productive decisions, learning novel skills or progressing in their career.

This model is laid on the foundation of usage of questions instead of instructions that will bring about change in a more rapid manner in an organization. It has been adopted by majority of the world`s leading organizations.

Figure 1 - The GROW Model (http://www.inspiringexcellence.net)

This model offers framework for four major stages of a coaching session. In the first stage, a goal has to be defined. After discussion in the session among employees of the organization, a target should be defined that has to be reached in a particular timeframe. During the second stage, it is significant to consider the ground realities for this goal. The employees who are being trained and coached should assess their current situation and provide real examples of their performances to date. At this stage, feedback should also be provided. During the third stage, the leader should offer to his trainees the opportunity to suggest the available and feasible courses of action. The leader also suggests his options for the achievement of ...
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