Leadership In Project Management, How Important Is It against The Backdrop Of Tried And Tested Methodologies, Or Will Strong Management Suffice

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Leadership in Project Management, how important is it against the backdrop of tried and tested methodologies, or will strong management suffice



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3.1 Introduction

The management of a company or any of its functions always happens in contexts specific systemic and is influenced by situational variables of the internal and external environment. (Lechler 2008, 217) The recent history of management reflects this influence. The telecommunications revolution, technological innovation and market globalization have transformed the business of systemic century. (Keegan 2008, 609)

On the industrial mode of production influenced largely by the strategies of cost leadership, the landscape of modern business has slowly transformed. (Kangis 2007, 393) On the importance of production systems has replaced the importance of processes and strategies for market penetration. (Jung 2007, 949) In a niche local economy, exploiting the proximity and abundance of natural resources, we went to a brain economy, without geographical boundaries, and where everyone is competing globally. (Jerrell 2009, 14) To be competitive, a company can no longer rely solely on the refinement of its modes of production, because the speed and fluidity of markets may make obsolete a popular output within a few months. They are no longer just products that are marketed, but many ideas, services, and processes generating process. (Hersey 2007, 15) The modern enterprise is more abstract, more virtual, more intelligent, hence the importance that it must give its human capital and its teams. (House 2008, 321) In discussing skills such as leadership and emotional intelligence and highlighting the importance of environmental factors such as the emergence of women at work, this series of three articles is a reflection on the transformation of the manager's job in company's modern century. (Marsh 2007, 12)

Leadership is a key concept of management. Not a week goes by without the newspaper's business does not mention the importance, with dramatic emphasis on the urgency to develop leaders in Quebec and worldwide. What exactly is the difference between management and leadership? (Gummesson 2000, 2) Management is the act of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the efficient operations of an organization. The manager administers one or more business functions. (Denzin & Lincoln 2005, 12) It maximizes efficiency by ensuring the smooth running of operations. His authority comes directly from the organization that requires the subordination of members of a team to accomplish a specific mission. (Gill & Johnson 2002, 24) The manager ensures that employees do work they do and they achieve the ...