Leadership In Organization

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Leadership in Organization

Leadership in Organization


Leadership is understood as a process or activity in which people are mobilized to create positive change. Note that the definition identifies leadership as a process or activity in which many people can partake (not a position or skill), and it involves creating change (not maintaining the status quo). So why should we focus on and care about leadership? On an individual or personal level, developing leadership capacity is important because it helps to be more effective person and group member, one who is able to think innovatively and initiate changes.

Leadership can be viewed as an activity. In addition, while a leader can engage in leadership, it is important to recognize that leaders do not always engage in leadership, and one need not hold the title of leader to engage in leadership (González, 2008). Reframing this common misconception that only a leader can do leadership is important, especially because people who are not in leadership positions can still make a positive difference and contribute to the leadership process ((Jackson, 2007). Leadership is emphasized as an activity, or something someone does. In other words, what someone does is more important than what someone is capable of doing. To engage effectively in leadership, one must develop a range of leadership skills and capacities.

Leadership in organizational Concept

In my opinion, there is no consensus on what we mean by leadership and what must be the best practice and very effective in schools. Without going into details, recall that the first contributions on leadership in organizations were driven by the consideration that it was linked to traits and characteristics of the leader. Research in the first half of last century was to identify what were the traits (physical, personality, personal capacity) that define the leader and tried to relate these to the effectiveness of same. Gradually, the focus shifts to conduct, resulting in the so-called style and behavior theories, whose basic assumption is that members of an organisation will be more effective leaders to use a particular style of leadership (Edwards, 2007).

A focus on behaviour that is followed by concern about the contexts, i.e., the influence on behaviours and styles coordinates leadership context in which work is performed (and contingency theories situational). Even with its peculiarities, these theories originated in non-school, share some traits common conception of leadership, such as the tendency to believe that it is localized in certain roles of the organisational hierarchy, and to equate the person leading consider that leadership is a process focused on targets whose function is to influence the performance of the organisation and successful leader is one whose organisation is achieving the goals set, or focus on leader behaviours.

It is a conception that is more amenable attention to what to do, what skills to deploy for a "management" effective, i.e., the technical aspects leadership, "that the why and how to act in one or the other modes. Hence, as has been evolving theoretical reflection on leadership and in parallel with the evolution of ...
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