Leadership In Law Enforcement

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Leadership in Law Enforcement

Delegation of Authority in Law Enforcement1


Principle of Delegation of Authority1


Leadership Styles2


Leadership Styles2

Autocratic Leadership2

Bureaucratic Leadership2

Diplomatic Leadership3

Participative leadership3

Free-Rein Leadership3

Favorite Leadership Style3



Leadership in Law Enforcement

Delegation of Authority in Law Enforcement


An organization which is dedicated for the purpose of law enforcement, it is excessively essential that the authority is delegated so as to ensure that order is maintained adequately. Delegation of authority is one of the most critical components of the chain of command in law enforcement to ensure smooth functioning and operations.

Principle of Delegation of Authority

In law enforcement, the principle of the delegation of authority is identical with the system of chain of command which is military based (Gaines & Miller, 2011). The people at the federal level have to depend for the commands on the director chosen by the president. The individuals in the state or local level are selected by the area legislation or elected in some scenarios. Irrespective of the manner in which the leader is selected, nearly all law enforcement organizations function in the similar military principle of chain of command and delegation of authority (Gaines & Miller, 2011).

The principle of delegation of authority in law enforcement is not adequately performed because of a number of reasons. The reasons include the fear of losing the power and not having the confidence in the subordinates which eventually leads to a perception that the delegated task will be incorrectly performed.


The principle of delegation of authority facilitates smooth accomplishment of work by the leaders and the officers. It also helps them to carry out functions on a large scale. As a matter of fact, it is the lone approach by which a large organization responsible for law enforcement could work effectively as a cohesive organization.

Leadership Styles


Leadership style is described as the method and the way of giving guidance, executing ...
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